Christianity pervades our society. So why do they want more?
Christianity pervades all aspects of life in the United States even though we are by design a secular society. So why are the religious right so hell bent on denying our history and condemning our...
View ArticleA "Choice" Battle in the Healthcare War
In April, 2015, Rachel Maddow covered a section of North Carolina's new anti-abortion bill. This section was to prevent UNC's world-class ob-gyn program from teaching doctors-in-training on how to...
View ArticleMy rant against Tea Party bigotry and sedition
Below the fold is a piece I posted on the Democratic Underground in January 2015. Not only has the disrspect continued it might be argued that it has increased, though the targets are more diversified...
View ArticleSupreme Court rediscovers the Fourteenth Amendment
Justice Scalia (I cringe every time I see/hear those two words together) let his ignorance and theocracy shine in his scathing dissent in today's announcement from the Supreme Court that discrimination...
View ArticleHave they no shame?
This past week, unscrupulous 'investigators' started releasing deceptive, biased, and illegally obtained videos 'exposing' Planned Parenthood's completely legal, Congressionally-approved transfer of...
View ArticleThe Attack On Planned Parenthood Isn't Just A Women's Problem
On Melissa Harris-Perry's Sunday morning show (8/2/15), the panel discussed the topic of conservatives' war on safe abortions. Robert Traynham said, "As the only male at the table, I'm slightly a...
View ArticleNo-Fly List: Ben Franklin Might Not Have Liked It
On his December 9 show, “All In,” Chris Hayes said The Right was against using the no-fly list for background checks. He neglected to mention that there are those on the left who also are opposed — not...
View ArticleThe Perils of Divisive Myopia
Once a contest between a moderate-but-moving-left candidate and a confirmed socialist, the Democratic presidential race has degraded into one between a crooked traitor and a grouchy, old, tax-evading...
View ArticleIt's not the Party, it's the Candidate
The GOP backs party before country. Great numbers of them have proven that by repeatedly endorsing a candidate they said was unqualified, dangerous, a conman, and worse. I can only imagine that while...
View ArticleWhat Happened to General Flynn?
Once upon a time, Gen Mike Flynn was respected among natonal security circles. President Obama even placed him as his Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Now Flynn is being investigated as...
View ArticleThe GOP Is Out of the Closet
The goals of the conservatives in the Republican Party have not changed much in the past 40 years: cut taxes, reduce those troublesome regulations businesses must deal with, roll up the social safety...
View ArticleDems should link healthcare to Mueller Report
Polls say healthcare is voters' #1 issue so Democratic leadership use that as an excuse to let Trump's impeachable offenses go largely unpunished. This misses an opportunity to rid us of the...
View ArticleAnti Israeli policy doesn't equal anti-semitism
The New York Times apologized for an "anti-semitic" toon in its international edition depicting yamulka-wearing Trump being led by dog w/ Star of David collar.I see the toon as more anti-Israel,...
View ArticleCivics Education Is Essential
With the deletion of civics classes (required in my 60s junior high) anyone under the age of around 50 apparently has no true concept of governmental system definitions. Here are brief definitions...
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